Deliverable 3.4. Report on evaluation of industry dynamics, opportunities and threats to industry

In this report, the evaluation of industry dynamics, opportunities and threats focuses on value chain dynamic for certain industries and species. The framework used is a bit different for caught species (value chains of cod and herring) and farmed species (individual companies and value chains of salmonids, sea bream & bass and pangasius).

The report includes the following case studies:

- Cod value chains in Iceland, Norway and Newfoundland (Canada).

- Herring value chaind in Iceland, Norway, Denmark and Newfoundland (Canada).

Deliverable 3.3. Report on costs & benefits of compliance with voluntary market-based labelling & certifications schemes

The first part of this report provides a theoretical overview of voluntary market-based labelling & certification focusing on schemes of greatest relevance to the major seafood commodity groups that are the focus of the PrimeFish project (Atlantic salmon, rainbow trout, European sea bass and gilthead sea bream, pangasius catfish, atlantic cod, atlantic herring).

Deliverable 3.1. Description of value chains and input-output structure

This report describes the material flow in the seafood supply chain (input-output structure) for the six commodity species that are the focus of PrimeFish (Atlantic salmon, rainbow trout, European sea bass and gilthead sea bream, pangasius catfish, atlantic cod, atlantic herring). Cod and herring are selected as examples of demersal and pelagic fisheries.

European Seafood Economy Summer School

PrimeFish and the University of Applied Sciences Bremenhaven will join international experts and industry representatives from the 6th to the 10th of August in Bremerhaven (Germany), one of the largest hubs for the seafood industry in Europe.


Deliverable 3.2. Market institutional analysis

This report describes the main legal framework for the value chains of the six commodity species (cod, salmon, trout, herring, seabass, seabream) that are the focus of PrimeFish for the European countries: Iceland, Faroe Islands, Norway, United Kingdom, Denmark, Germany, France, Spain Italy, Greece, Turkey as well as Canada and Vietnam. At the national specific level, a subset of countries are included: Norway, Scotland, Newfoundland (Canada), Denmark and Iceland.

The World Marketing Congress hosts a session on the PrimeFish tools

On the 28th of June the World Marketing Congress hosts a session on the PrimeFish project:

9.00 - 10.30 Session 5.4: The PrimeFish project: Developing a Market- Oriented Prediction Toolbox for Seafood

9.00. PrimeFish: Strengthening the Competitiveness of the Seafood Sector

Gudmundur Stefánsson

9.20. A toolbox for supporting the marketing of seafood products

José L. Santiago                 

Take a deep dive into the seafood sector with the European Seafood Economy Summer School

Are you interested on updating your knowledge on the European seafood sector? Are you a young professional or researcher in the seafood sector? Are you a student of business or finances?

PrimeFish and the University of Applied Sciences Bremenhaven will join international experts and industry representatives from the 6th to the 10th of August in Bremerhaven (Germany), one of the largest hubs for the seafood industry in Europe.


Prime Decision Support System (PrimeDSS) and Prime Decision Support Framework (PrimeDSF)

The PrimeFish project aims to transfer the developed science and technology to the seafood sector, decision-makers and general audience. The tool is in development, but you can get a glance at it on:

Le projet PrimeFish, pour la consolidation de la compétitivité du secteur des produits de la mer

Qu’est-ce que PrimeFish fait ? Quels vont être nos résultats ?

Regardez de court vidéo sur l’activité du projet et les outils qui vont être développé pour appuyer la prise de décisions dans le secteur des produits de la pêche.
