WP8: Project Management

Participants in WP8.

WP8 will provide efficient and cost-effective contractual, financial and administrative management of the project and communication with the EU Commission, facilitate understanding and cohesion within the consortium and manage risks.

The governance structure of the PrimeFish project is led by the Coordinator of the proposal, Dr. Gudmundur Stefansson (MATIS) has a background that will facilitate the uptake of the outcomes of PrimeFish within the fish business industry. His background is R&D activities (1986-2000) including that of participating in national and European research projects, various roles in international fish businesses (2000-2012) such as project manager, operational manager, plant manager, vice MD and R&D director and since 2012, a research group leader at MATIS focusing on food product development and innovation. The leadership of the project will be managed by a Steering Group, which serves as the overall decision making body. The project co-ordinator will chair it. In addition to the Steering Group there will also be an Exploitation and Dissemination Committee (EDC), chaired by Dr. Rosa Chapela (CETMAR) and a Technical Committee (TC), chaired by Dr. Heiner Lehr (SYN). All WP leaders will be members of the Technical Committee.

To support the role of the Coordinator and further to strengthen the industrial involvement in the project, a Strategic Advisory Board (SAB) will be formed and its role is to consult with the Coordinator on a regular basis (every 3 months). Dr. Sveinn Margeirsson, the CEO of MATIS will serve as the chairman of the board. Other members are: Dr. Rosa Chapela, the WP leader for stakeholder interaction in PrimeFish, Jóhannes Pálsson, the CEO of FF Skagen (Denmark), Javier Ojeda, manager of APROMAR, (Spain) and Mike Park CEO of the Scottish White Fish Producers’ Association (Scotland).

The project coordinator will be the sole contact person directly responsible for communication with the EU Commission. To ensure efficiency, the project Coordinator will work closely with the project partners, the WP leaders, the Exploitation and Dissemination Committee Chair and the Technical Committee Chair. A Project Support Team from Matis will assist the Coordinator, and the Steering Group, in the day-to-day management activities.