Deliverable 1.2. Data Management Plan

All participants involved in PrimeFish who generate data have participated in the creation of the Data Management Plan. This DMP outlines what sort of data the project is expected to generate, how it will be preserved and whether and how it will be made accessible. This includes already existing data extracted from different sources, as well as new data developed. 

Deliverable 4.1. Industry study cases report: A collection of marketing successes and failures in the world based on clever product innovation and/or marketing activities

In 2012, the food and drink manufacturing industry in the European Union was the largest manufacturing sector in terms of value of the output with 15% of the total manufacturing turnover. However, it is widely perceived as not highly innovative. In addition, the commonly reported figures for new food product failure are between 70% and 90%.

CommBeBiz Marine Testinar: Unlocking the Blue Potential

The PrimeFish project has participated in the webinar "Unlocking the Blue Potential" together with the projects Arraina, working in plant-base feeds for aquaculture, and Ecoduna, a company building systems to cultivate algae. The webimar is available through YouTube.

Major outcomes of the first 18 months of hard work!

Here a summary of the most impacting results of the first 18 moths of PrimeFish project, highlighting the analysis on economic performance and competitiveness, market research and global value chains!

Deliverable 1.1. Guidelines for data collection methods, data names and types, and granularity

Based on input from the project participants, this report serves as guidelines to provide consistency between data sets originated or managed by PrimeFish. Further, it functions as an aid for future work on data collection and data processing.This includes data collection, analysis of methods or procedures, and extending the methodology to cover specific species.

Take part in a short film competition on seafood consumption!

The H2020 project PrimeFish launches a short film competition to promote the seafood consumption and all of its cultural, societal and economic relevance. Everybody over 18 years old is encouraged to participate with a 1 minute length video. Participants will be competing for a prize of 1,500 euros and the opportunity to film a video in an H2020 research meeting!

How to participate

Our sea, marks

Galician campaign about its seafood products. 

Taste the Atlantic – a Seafood Journey

A BIM/Failte Ireland seafood trail you can take and taste on the Wild Atlantic Way.
