The deadline of the Primefish Video Competition has been extended

Interested participants can now send their creations until the 17th February 2017 at 08:59:59 AM CET. The short film competition aims to promote the seafood consumption and its cultural, societal and economic relevance. Everybody over 18 years old can participate with 1 minute lenght videos. Participants can obtain a prize of 1,500 euros and the opportunity to film a video in a H2020 research meeting.

Take into account

All videos must include the screenshot available in the link , which should remain visible for 2 seconds. Films in languages other than English must include subtitles in English.

Award criteria

The PrimeFish project is looking for relevant, attractive and creative videos. And social media impact and gender issues will also be taken into account.

Participants must read carefully the terms and conditions of the competitionAny doubt about the competition can be sent to the email

Terms and Conditions of the PrimeFish Video Competition (English)

Bases del Concurso de Video PrimeFish (Castellano)


PrimeFish Call Short Films Extended deadline.



Vilanova i la Geltrú

Vilanova i la GeltrúEl Garraf, Barcelona
Latitude: 41.215150
Longitude: 1.727446

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