3D visualization arrives to the aquaculture sector

The Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) has developed a pair of 3d-goggles that allows the user to take an insight into a fish farm. The device is completed with a video game controller.

From swimming with the fish to controlling the feeding machine, this new gadget offers a complete tour in a fish farm with the possibility of recreating a breeding cycle of 14-22 months in 45 minutes. The experience is set to complement the visit of an actual fish farm by showing tasks and places that usually remain hidden.  

What is EMODnet?

The European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet) is a long term marine data initiative from the European Commission Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (DG MARE) underpinning its Marine Knowledge 2020 strategy. EMODnet is a consortium of organisations assembling European marine data, data products and metadata from diverse sources in a uniform way.


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We are farmed in the EU

Find out the European campaign about aquaculture to promote fresh, local, healthy fish and shellfish from the farmers in the water (they promote the video as a tribute to the movie "Love actually")

Size does matter

Because seafood is an important part of our diet and provides us with proteins, essential fatty oils, and vitamins and minerals necessary for a healthy lifestyle. Choose sustainable fish, protect this valuable resource and discover new tastes. Then, add value to your fish while protecting the environment, keeping your business and our oceans’ ecosystems sustainable.

Make a difference by eating, buying, or selling sustainable seafood and help ensure future generations have the same love story we have with our fish today.

