Syntesa (Faroe Islands) is an innovation consultancy founded in 2004 with partners and associates in Scandinavia, the United Kingdom, Spain, Germany, Belgium, South Africa and India. Syntesa provides advisory services on innovation, conducts socio-economic impact analysis and assists with market development. The company is heavily involved in commercial and research projects related to fishery and aquaculture activities. In research projects, Syntesa has been WP leader of management plan evaluation and economic cost-benefit analysis in EcoFishMan, an EU FP7 project established in connection with the reform of the Common Fisheries Policy. The company is also a partner in the FP7 project BENTHIS and task leader of stakeholder interaction. Syntesa is responsible for synthesis, training and socio-economic analysis in the FP7 project Mareframe - an EU project supporting more widespread use of an ecosystem-based approach to fisheries management. Furthermore Syntesa has been the initiator and WP leader of the Nordic Innovation project WhiteFishMaLL, the NORA project MacroBioTech on algae mariculture, and coordinator of EU FP7 project ALL-Smart-Pigs. Syntesa is also a partner in the Marie Curie project Social Science Aspects of Fisheries for the 21st Century.