The INRA-ALISS unit is a multidisciplinary research unit, bringing together economists and sociologists. The main themes of current research are the analysis of consumption behaviours, of their determinants and their effects on demand for food, on prices, on household expenditures and on exposure to health benefits and risks; the analysis of industrial and retail dynamics (business strategies, organization of the sectors, innovations, etc.) as determinants of the characteristics of the food products available to consumers (price, variety, quality, safety); the analysis of the interactions between the dynamics of the food supply and demand under the effect of public interventions such as actions to control retail prices, regulate product quality and control health effects related to consumption practices. A major area of the research currently being carried out by the INRA-ALISS unit is health-issues, relating to health safety and nutritional problems. In 2014, the INRA-ALISS is composed of 8 senior researchers, 14 researchers, 12 research engineers, 8 PhD students, and 2 post-doctoral associates. In the PrimeFish project, the INRA-ALISS unit will be involved in the WP dealing with consumers’ behaviours. The main focus will be on the economic analysis of diets and the health and environment impacts of recommendations to eat more fish.