The Institute of Aquaculture at the University of Stirling is internationally recognized as one of the leading global centres of excellence in the field of aquaculture and fisheries science with over 75 staff, 80 PhD students and 45 MSc students. Core research areas are in sustainable aquaculture development and practice; aquatic animal health and welfare; nutrition, genetics and reproduction. There are also closely linked groups on aquatic food security and marine biotechnology. Staff of the Institute have extensive experience of coordinating and participating in EU research projects with recent examples including SEAT (FP7), PROteINSECT (FP7), ARRAINA (FP7), SALMOTRIP (FP7), AqASEM09 (FP7), and AQUAEXCEL (FP7). The Institute of Aquaculture has also coordinated significant knowledge networks such as AQUA-TNET (LLP) and SARNISSA (FP7). Involved staff have also been closely involved in the Institute of Aquaculture’s consultancy activities including sector and market studies for the European Commission and European Parliament.